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SGFIRSTAID Amazing Race 2022

A day filled with fun activities, delicious food spread, and unbreakable bond after a long hiatus of activities due to the recent pandemic.

The team decided to head over to Gardens By The Bay for our version of "Amazing Race" to get together, get to know each other better on a personal level, there were various checkpoints with team bonding games throughout the Garden which makes us realize how HUGE the Garden actually is.

Our Enthusiastic team were divided by team colors and after brazing through the Gardens and conquering all odds in overcoming the game master, TEAM YELLOW emerge Victorious!!!!!

Kudos to everyone involved in making this happen. Its definitely a much needed break, and this will definitely not be the last team bonding!!!

Below are some behind the scene of the activities!

Let's Go!!!!

Want more? Head on over to our Facebook Page to see more photos!!

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