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First aid saves lives – Ten powerful reasons to learn first aid this year.

The reality is that 8 out of 10 parents polled claimed they would not know basic first aid measures to save their child's life.

Consider the vast range of mishaps that children experience on a regular basis in the comfort of their own home - cuts, choking, falls, asthma attacks - and consider how you would feel if it was your kid, partner, parent, or even your pet.

Consider how confident you would be if one of the most common medical situations occurred at home, school, or work?

Although we all recognize the need of acquiring first aid knowledge, we are sometimes too busy to find the few hours required to complete a course, or we are confused where to go for a course or what first aid principles the course should cover.

Most of us just cross our fingers that accidents don't happen to us or our loved ones. Or that if the worst happens, a doctor or other medically educated person would be on hand to take over and assist.

If this describes you, make today the day you take charge and learn basic first aid.

A first aid course taught by a highly qualified medical, health, or emergency services expert teaches you life-saving skills and provides you the confidence to know what to do in an emergency.

A practical training allows you to practice hands-on techniques like resuscitation on a manikin or assisting in the rescue of a choking adult, infant, or kid.

Here are 10 convincing reasons why you and others around you should prioritize studying first aid.

Reason One – First aid saves lives

The ability to provide basic first aid can be the difference between life and death. According to a Red Cross survey, 59 percent of deaths from injuries may have been avoided if first aid had been administered before emergency services arrived.

Reason Two – First aid reduces recovery time

First aid may make or break someone's chances of recovery, and can be the difference between a temporary or permanent injury.

Reason Three – First aid reduces hospital time

Early intervention with first aid can shorten the length of time a patient is required to stay in the hospital.

Reason Four – First aid prevents medical situations deteriorating

Knowing the basics of first aid might help you avoid escalating a poor situation. Consider a patient with a serious wound who is bleeding. Without treatment, the patient may suffer from serious blood loss. You can prevent a medical emergency from rapidly developing and stabilize the patient until proper medical help comes by applying pressure using simple first aid measures.

Reason Five – First aid can reduce unnecessary visits to hospital

Not every accident results in a hospitalization, but all necessitate medical attention. Some injuries, such as a bumped head, bruised knee, or sprained ankle, can be treated more effectively with the proper treatment, such as expert bandaging, rest, or swelling reduction with a wrapped ice pack.

First aid training also teaches you to prioritize injuries, so that the most critically injured or unwell people get the best possible care. As well as providing you with the information to determine whether someone need more care and whether that treatment should be provided by a GP, at a hospital, or requires emergency paramedic intervention.

Reason Six – Competent first aid can reduce the amount of pain experienced by casualties

Knowing how to respond allows you to remain calm in an emergency.

Staying cool helps you to give emotional support to the patient while also preventing them from panicking, which may be a highly powerful type of pain treatment. Furthermore, learning how to physically move someone in pain, support their injuries, and apply appropriate bandaging and dressings can help to minimize the amount of pain they feel.

Reason Seven – Crucial communication for the emergency services

Staying with the patient until emergency personnel come to take over allows you to relay critical information about how the patient received the injury or information about their status. This information is critical for emergency services to effectively treat the patient and can also help in the patient's treatment and recovery.

Reason Eight – First aid increases awareness and reduces your susceptibility to accidents

Learning first aid and becoming aware of potential risks and medical difficulties raises our health awareness and enables us to better care for ourselves, our friends, and our families. It builds resilient communities while building up your own self worth and confidence.

Reason Nine – First aid makes you feel empowered

Learning first aid will give you the confidence to react effectively in the event of an accident.

It is critical to treat any potentially life-threatening injuries before dialing 995 for an ambulance.

It's also helpful to know when and if you should move someone after an accident, and when you should keep them still.

Reason Ten – Be prepared for anything

Nobody knows what the future holds for us or our loved ones.

Sudden sickness, such as a heart attack, stroke, serious bleeding, or breathing difficulties, requires immediate assistance, which you will be well prepared to deliver only if you are first aid trained.

First aid also prepares you to cope with bleeding, burns, shortness of breath, bites, shocks, stings, splints, and fainting so that you can respond successfully to whatever medical condition life throws at you.

For the past 22 years, one significant factor has distinguished us from our competitors in the industry: OUR TRAINING.

Our training approaches did not emerge overnight.

Every aspect of our course has been meticulously planned.

Every activity is intended to attain a certain goal. Every action taken was intended to entice our participants to learn more effectively.

Nobody else makes the type of effort we do to improve the learning experience.

We have made and will continue to make strenuous efforts to investigate, plan, implement, and apply our training.

We examine every element to guarantee that our training has the greatest potential impact on our participants.

First aid is one of the most important topics in the world because someone’s life may depend on it. However, most places focus on how they teach. We instead focus on how effectively people learn and then we design our training towards that.

Supported by a dynamic team of experienced trainers, produces a highly conducive learning atmosphere in which ordinary people may gain the skills to perform proper first aid in the real world.

Singapore First Aid Training Centre's courses and programs are delivered utilizing its unique high participation and interaction training technique, which has entirely surpassed traditional first aid training methods.

Singapore First Aid Training Centre provides a learning experience that will make a favorable and lasting effect on learners, thanks to online learning facilitation, current training materials, and cutting-edge teaching skills.

Come and see for yourself. Begin your educational adventure with us right away!

The blended version of the Standard First Aid Course provides comprehensive first aid training which will prepare you for a wide range of situations and give you the confidence and knowledge of how to deal with them quickly, correctly and efficiently.

Accredited by the Singapore Resuscitation and First Aid Council (SRFAC) and recognised by the National Registry of Coaches and Singapore Sports Council, the Blended Standard First Aid Course covers critical emergency interventions that occur in a multitude of daily scenarios at work, play or school.

To make the first step towards becoming first aid trained check our course here to find out more.

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