Company Sponsored Trainees
This guide is for company/organisations that will be sponsoring the trainees
Ensure that you are using a laptop or desktop computer. Viewing the website on a mobile device like a smartphone or tablet will not give you the best viewing experience.
You will be greeted by this page

Select & click on your preferred course. You may use the course categories listed to filter down to your preferred course
Once you have selected and clicked on your preferred course, you will be redirected to the course website page. Click on “Register Now” to proceed to register for the course.

Once you have clicked on “Register Now”, you will be redirected to the website page with all the available course dates

Once you have found your desired course date, click on the blue “Register” button to proceed with the course registration
Once you have clicked on “Register”, you will be redirected to the course registration website page

Select the “Company-sponsored” option
If your company has registered for courses before through our centre since April 2022, then select as “Existing Company”
If your company has never registered for courses through our centre , then select as “New Company”.
If you are unsure, you may select “Existing Company” and enter your company’s UEN no to check.
Once you have selected the appropriate options, you may proceed to fill in the trainees’ details. Please ensure that all the fields are filled in.
You might sometimes see a pop up saying trainee ID exists.
If that happens, please remove the trainee from registration list
Contact us via or 65 6297813 to register this existing trainee

Apply Training Grant
If your trainee(s) is/are a Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident, you may proceed to select
“Apply Training Grant”. Training grant may cover 50 or 70% of the course fees before tax.
Trainees must be receiving at least 1-month CPF contribution from the company UEN number that you have keyed in earlier.
Interns , freelancers, volunteers , outsourced staff that do not receive direct CPF contribution from the UEN do not qualify for training grant and hence do not select “Apply Training Grant” for such staff.
Selecting the “Apply Training Grant” option during registration will not allow you to immediately make payment for the course as we would need to submit your training grant application before issuing the final invoice for balance fee payable after subsidy deduction.
Please note that the for subsidy disbursement trainees must
1. Attend the course fully
2. Ensure that they scan the QR code for each course session through their Singpass App
3. Pass all assessments successfully
4. In the event these are not met, we will need the sponsoring company to top up the undisbursed funding component.
For more information on training grant subsidy, you may visit the website here :​
The “Educational Certificate” field is only mandatory for participants attending course that require prerequisite first aid/BCLSAED certificates. Please do not submit any other educational certificates i.e. degree scroll, school academic transcript, etc.)
Once you have completed the form, you may click on the blue “Submit Registration” button to proceed with your course registration.

Once you have completed the form, you may click on the blue “Submit Registration” button to proceed with your course registration.
You will be able to download a booking confirmation pdf file.
Our client management executives will send you a course confirmation email within 1 working day. Kindly forward this confirmation email to trainees as trainees will not receive a separate course confirmation email.
Invoice will be emailed to you for payment processing based on payment terms with our centre
Trainees will receive a “Welcome” email from our system . Inform trainee lookout for this email.
1. E learning - Once trainee has received this, trainee can login with the details in the email to start the e learning modules through the login info given in the Welcome email
2. No E learning - trainee still needs to keep the login details securely in order to complete the theory assessments on course date.
A course reminder email will be sent to trainees 3 to 4 days before class start date.
A course reminder whatsapp message will be sent to trainees attending funded courses at our centre.
For funded trainees, please remind students to install the latest version of Singpass App in their phones. Trainees that do not perform Singpass attendance taking will not be able to receive funding.